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Since all of your marketing strategies will be based on your target market the best thing you can do is know more about them, and that means knowing how to do basic market research.

Why Do Market Research???

When you know how to do market research for your small business you’ll have insights on what your audience wants, what they need, and more importantly what they’ll buy. Then you base your products, services, and your marketing around that.

And that my friend is the key to small business marketing success.

In this video, I go over how to do market research online for your small business. You’ll learn customer research methods, exact steps to learn more about your customers, what they buy, who they follow online, and what problems they have.

What About Your Competition???

We’ll even talk about competitor research and how knowing more about your competitors can give you a big advantage.

And finally, you’ll learn what to do with all the information you find so you can get more customers.

If you’re ready to learn how to do market research for a new business or existing one, let’s get started!

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